angry angie
so where do we start with angry angie? she is a bitch, man. straight up. doesn’t want to hear a sound once the red light spots start to appear. responsible rachel is her best friend and they are two peas in a pod. stressed sally likes to show up out of no where and pretend that she doesn’t exist but clearly she does. angie and rachel are mean girls, so they always like to tell sally to go stress lazy lucy.
lazy lucy is so sweet but procrastinates and drives racheal insane.
once day, vicious vicki was popping in and suprised the entire family and some friends. rock bottom, they all concluded. seemed that vicki was planning this sabatage for 25 years or so and it was time. her time.
i think that despair denise enjoyed every minute of it since it made her cry. supportive sanora happened to also stop by and listen to her just enough to convience her to grab some coffee with herself and tiny tina.
at coffee time, the ladies seemed to bring each other balance in a comforting way. while sanora listened to denise, tiny felt ignored but then realized that coffee helped her speak out a little more. denise was thankful for the listening ears and tina’s advice to stand up againt vicki, angie and rachel.
lucy arrived for some caffine and realized that she would have to talk to the ladies, so she simply walked out and back down the street to avoid conversation and eye contact.
sorry selena was back in town and decided to call up some old friends to apologize for being herself and existing. vicki loved destroying selena’s confidence with one simple remark – you don’t matter and are “mute.”
selena decided to leave town again but promised to come back for more abuse.